Guide To Setting Up A Basic Website
This basic instructional article guides your through the process of setting up a business website.
1A. Domain Name
1B. Web Hosting
2A. WordPress Template
2B. Site Setup
3. Logo
4A. Site Wireframe
4B. Website Content
5. Build Website
Step 1: Domain Name and Website Hosting
1A. Domain Name. The first step is to find a domain name. I will even try to find this name before you actually name your business. In Canada, I would suggest you get a .com and a .ca name.
Start your search for a .com name (they are the hardest to get). Pick any registrar you like I recommend the one below (test for the .com and then the .ca):
NameCheap Domain Search and Purchase
1B. Hosting. Now need to purchase the hosting, the basic package should be okay. NamesCheap also have affordable hosting (again, you pick another host if you like them):
Okay…that is Step 1, now on to picking the website template (I am only going to recommend WordPress).
Step 2: Website Template and Setup
With Step 1 completed, it is now time to find a WordPress template to use as the base of the site.
2A. WordPress Template selection: There are many Template sites, here is a distribution site:
2B. Setup On Hosting Platform. The template now needs to be setup on the website hosting platform.
Step 3: Your Logo
3. Company Logo. Once the site is setup it is time to start thinking about a Company Logo. This is an essential piece of your website design.
Here is a company that I find to have great service, called The Logo Company.
Step 4: Site Wireframe & Content
4A. Site Wireframe. Okay, it is now time to create a rough outline of your site, this is also called a wireframe..
The basic site should include:
- Main Page
- Contact Page
- About Us Page
- Product/Service Page 1
- Product/Service Page 2
- Product/Service Page 3
4B. Website Word and Image Content. Now you build all the website content for each page. It is easier to do this offline in word and then insert it in once completed. You also need to create and find the necessary images for your site.
Step 5: Build Website
5. Build Website. Now it is time to pull all the elements together and build the website. A big warning…you might not want to do this. In the long run it might be a lot cheaper to get someone else to do it…Like Us!.
That is it….you now have a basic website.